Total friends considered: 18
Available: 9
Total parameters: 7
Networks considered: 8
Counting Rules
  1. Initially points = 0
  2. If a friend is not available then points = 0
  3. points += number of calls
  4. For each network:
    • points += 1 if interaction is "low"
    • points += 2 if interaction is "moderate"
    • points += 3 if interaction is "high"
  5. For each meeting:
    points += 2 + 1 / (number of friends in a meeting)
  6. points += time spent together
  7. points += number of travels
  8. For initiative:
    • points += 1 if initiative is "other"
    • points += 2 if initiative is "both"
    • points += 3 if initiative is "either"